Dear class,
I'm sure you have enjoyed the show put up by The Necessary Stage today as much as I did. Do think about the message that was shared in the play (Economic Defence):
- Importance of Insurance
- Importance of security of PIN no.s
- Be yourself
Which one speaks to you most? Why?
Just share your thoughts with us by clicking the Comments link at the bottom of this post. You may either check the Name option or Anonymous but do note that you still have to leave your real name.
Feel free to also comment on others' comments posted. =)
Click this link to read more about Total Defence.
I think the importance of security of PIN no.s affects me most.Although i do not have a credit card,i think that learning now might save me from losing my money in future.I think that not writing our Pin no.s on the back of our credit cards is common sense but i will still remember this just in case.I hope i do not end up losing a friend because of this matters. ^_^
We should NEVER EVER leave our pin no. on the back of the credit card!!!!! This is common sense and silly to write the pin no. on the back of the credit card. Next time, when i own a credit card , i will never write my pin no. on the back of the credit card, or tell ANYONE my pin no. This is suppose to be confidential. And do not be spendthrift , save it for your universities or even emergencies. Please buy something that you really need.Before buying it, think carefully if it is a need or a want.
We should NEVER EVER leave our pin no. on the back of the credit card!!!!! This is common sense and silly to write the pin no. on the back of the credit card. Next time, when i own a credit card , i will never write my pin no. on the back of the credit card, or tell ANYONE my pin no. This is suppose to be confidential. And do not be spendthrift , save it for your universities or even emergencies. Please buy something that you really need.Before buying it, think carefully if it is a need or a want.
February 15, 2008 1:42 AM
Lee Ziao Cinch (6D)
I think that we should never write our bank pin on the back on our credit card.When people accidentally see it and later follow u to your house and steal ur creidit card , ur money 100% will be gone so we should never , ever put our bank pin on the back or our credit card!!!!!!!!:) From:Jeremy Tan (6D)
I think the fact that you should not write your pin number at the back of your credit card effects me the most as that is a very stupid idea and i would not want to lose all my money because of my stupidness. -GILLIAN ONG
I think that not to leave your Personal Identification Number(PIN) at the behind of your ATM/credit card ,on a piece of paper,revealing it to others or setting as your birth date or any familiar numbers is common sense.The consequences would be dire if you do.I do have an ATM card,but as i m underage to open an account,i m required to share my ATM card with my father......he knew my PIN.I guess he would be trustworthy enough as he is my father.He always keep my ATM card with him for me as he is worried that i would lost it.After hearing the talk, i m now wondering if i should change my PIN!i also think that we should not be squandering our money on things that we don't really need.
I think that insurance is extremely important as it pays/compensates with property loss. in this way,if your shop is burnt,it compensates with your losses hence,allowing you to start a new business or open another shop.with the money, therefore,insurance is vital.
i think we must be ourselves and not be affected by peer pressure.remember, you do not need to have the newest things to be in the trend,fashionable or to make friends!!!
i learnt a lot from the total defence show .i learnt not to set my password as birth. date or other no. that your friends know. it is unsafe to do that as we never know who will betray us .i think we cannot follow the trend of fashion other wise we might end up losing a friend :(
I think people should not write the PIN number on a piece of paper, as what if someone finds out that it was your PIN number and steals your ATM card and withdraw the money in your account. I don't think that you will be able to find out who took your money away as there still should not have a technoloegy that is able to find out who took your money. People sould keep their ATM card at a safe place where no one should be able to find it but yourself.
Cheryl Neo
I think the importance of security of PIN no.s affects me the most. I think no one in the world would be foolish enough to write their PIN no. at the back of their credit cards. Although my mother told her PIN to my sisiter and I, we know that if we tell the PIN to other people, we may not be able to lead the life we are leading now and all the hard work my father put in his work will be going down the drain. I hope no one will do foolish things if they cannot afford to keep up with the trends and think they cannot make friends as if you do not do things that irritates others and u have good morals, people will be willing to be your friend.
we should not tell people our pin number or leave our pin number behind the ATM card and the pin number must not be so easy like birthday date. don't get jealous when we see people carrying a branded bag or the latest i-pod. if we think that our own thing is the best, it is already enough.
-Daphne oh (6D)-
i think that total defence day is an important day to Singapore. when we are attacked by other country or have not enough food, they will protect us.the one that affects me most is the one with credit card because i dont like people who steal people money.i also think that the person who own the credit card should not wrte the pin number behind because if she happen to lose it, people who pick it up will know the pin number.i think that it is not worth losing a friend just because of it.=)
yi shan
I think we should not write our PIN no. behind the credit card or tell anyone even our family members because it is confidential. I also learnt that we should not set our PIN no. as our birth date and other number that is very common for people to guess. We should start saving money for future use and emergencies.
Tracey Wong (6D)
I felt that the importance of insurance is very important as we cannot anticipate what is going to happen in the future. Maybe, while you are crossing the road, you may get banged by a vehicle. (Attention! This is not a curse to anyone). If we buy insurance, we can get sufficient compensation depending how bad is our injuries if we had an accident. This compensation is for you to pay for the medical bills. If you do not buy insurance, you will be the one paying a lot of money to pay for the medical bills.
I felt that the importance of security of PIN numbers is also very important. We should never ever write our PIN number at the back of the credit card or writing it down on a paper, book and so on. The worst is you set your birth date as your PIN number as it is very easy to guess your PIN number. Do not even reveal your PIN number to anyone as it may attract thieves. The thieves might even be your closet friend. Thus keep your PIN number only to yourself and most importantly is to spend your money wisely.
I felt that being yourself is the more important of the two issues metioned above. If you can only make friends by getting the newest or fashionable things, that person is not called your friend. Remember! We can still find friends by being ourselves.
We should never write our PIN no.s on the back of the credit card.What if someone steal your credit card, then he will steal your money or maybe your family accidentally say that you write your PIN on the back of your credit card , then people hearing it will want to take your credit card.So never write your PIN on the back of your credit card!!!
Sim Xin Wei
I have learnt alot from the total defence show on Friday.It teaches us the importance of not writing your pin number at the back of your credit card and the importance of being insured and the importance of BEING YOURSELF!
I think that a person should not leave his pin number at the back of his credit card or let someone know the pin.He should also not ask someone to help him withdraw or deposit the money from his bank account as the person might withdraw more to buy something.
I also think that being insured is good as it will pay up losses(e.g your hose/shop got burnt and the insurance company will pay for the losses that you had lost in the fire.)
Being yourself means that you should seldom buy trendy stuffs(e.g lastest phone models, PSP, Ipod etc...)You need not buy new things(e.g bag)if they are still useable.
i feel that we should save up and of couse be ourselves and we are coolest when we do what we like.(beauty is in the eyes of the beholder) by the way i like the "blahblahblahblahblahblahblah
blah" part of the agent penny show. :)
-rozan (eliot was my grp name last yr n i'm sharing my blog with 2 ppl in 6a (boys) pls visiy mi blog @ www.classchat-eliot.blog spot.com)
I think it dangerous for us to put the PIN no.s behind our credit card because if stranger knows that we put our PIN no.s behind they will try to get hold of the PIN no.s and take the money out from the ATM machine.It is important too to buy insurance because if we damage something and we buy insurance for that thing insurance can pay for our losses. we must be ourself and not just go for branded goods example .... the latest i pod, new handphone and new handbag...etc... we should also not befriend those that do not have branded goods. anyway branded goods is not something to be proud of.
i think it is dangerous for us to put the PIN no.s behind our credit card because if stranger knows that we put our PIN no.s behind our credit card they will try to get hold of our PIN no .s and take the money out from the ATM machine.Insurance is important too because if we damage something and we pay insurance for that thing insurance can pay for our losses. we must be ourself and not just go for branded goods example.... the latest i pod , new handphone and new handbag....etc.... we should not befriend with those who does not have branded goods .Anyway branded goods in not something to be proud of.
Denise Ee (6D)
I think that whoever writes his or her PIN number on the back of their card are asking for someone to take their money. When I grow up, the only person I will tell my PIN number to is my parents in case of emergency. Justin Yee
From the performance,I learnt the importance of saving money for wants and needs & do not trust friends too easily as they will be greedy sometimes.Of course,we should not leave our pin number behind the credit card(who will do that?).We should save our money as it is VERY IMPORTANT!!!
I think we should not tell people the pin of credit card, game account password to anyone because they can make use of it do withdraw money and use it.We should also buy insurance to ensure that unpredictable events will not harm us so badly.We should not buy everything that we think is cool because it is very expensive if we really need it we should shop around for cheaper alternatives so that we can save money for our education and rainy days.
i think that the performance showed us the importance of having a pin number and never writing it on the back of your credit card as (using common sense)it is confidential.Although people who may be your cousins or whoever close to you, they still have greediness and tend to thik about ourselves more than caring about others' things or feelings. Some of us might think that money from others are not precious but have you think of what savings account is all about ? From young, we have been taught by elders that the account can help to save for your life later. And yes, that's the point which is the focus, when you save your money,do you want it to be stolen? ( no , of course )that is why we need pin number.
Joyce Sun Hui Ying (6Diligence)
I really think it is absolutely stupid to write the pin number behing th credit card, i would never, never do that!
Why 99% of the reflections are about PIN number??? Anyway, next time I own a company, i would buy insurance. Even though I have to pay some money every month, it will be useful when my company gets destroyed/bombed...
The Importance of security of PIN no.s speak to me the most.Why?Because if your PIN no. can be very easy to be found out by other people (which I don't think that will happen),they will go into your account and withdraw away all your money,which they then will spend it for their own use.So that is why people need to keep their PIN no. a secret!
John Cheng Zhen Han(6D)
I think that we should think before we do anything.Espacially,on spending money.We should think whether we realy really need that paticular item.Or else,we actually don't even need to buy it!I also think that we should not even use other people's atm card.Even if its your good friend or sibling,its too confidential.
-Karen Ong
I think we should not write our pin number at the back of our ATM card because if somebody finds or picks our card, and sees the pin number at at the back he or she can easily withdraw money from our account.
odelia ong 6D
I have saved quite a sum of money so i am economy prepared. i may write a secret code at the back of my credit card when i have one to let me recall the pin. no. if i forget.
chin jie
I think that all 5 defences is important to us,because without the 5 defences we are not prepare if any sudden events happen(like war and emergency etc.).From the second play,we should always keep our PIN number a secret(this is common sense).I think we must also be honest in everything we do.(in this world,there is nothing call"free money"also...)I don't want to lose any money so I will remeber NEVER to revel my PIN number uhnless one day I want someone to steal all my money away.Haha,so funny!!! *_*
I learnt that I should never lose my ATM card or let anyone use it.But most importantly ,I should never ever write my PIN no. on the back of my card.Either though I do not have a ATM card yet,I think this is a valuable lesson for me
to learn.
Edmund Chow
I think that we must not keep up with other people in terms of fashion.We should also leave our pin number at the back of our credit card .If we drop it and people pick it up,they may withdraw all of our money.
i think a person will not be as foolish to put his/her credit card pin number at the back of the card but that was just to warn us not to do it and the show put up by them really thought me something...
Cherian Chua(6D)
i think that we should be very careful with thing like our credit cards.(when i get mine in future)i know that it is very important to be ourselves and for me, i am not really being myself in school because at home i am very open(not realy)and sometimes when i just say something my family just laugh at it even though i do not find it funny.i have learnt a lot of things like the importance of being myself and not to reveal my credit card number so that it is safer.and i don't really have to worry about my money being stolen by my friends or other people.
I think we should never put over credit card number as our birth dates.If people knew your PIN number,they would get cash out from your bank account for thier own use.We must also not put our PIN number on the back of our credit cards because if you lose your card ppl may steal money from you
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