We have heard of ugly Singaporean behaviours, such as being 'kiasu'. However, something of a different nature came up late last year.
Some Singaporeans, during lunch time, have innovatively used packets of tissue paper to book seats in a hawker centre.
Read the article here to find out what happened.
Topic: Do you think that it is rude to use tissue packs to reserve seats?
Click on the Comments link to express your ideas.
The deadline for this journal entry is 11 April (Saturday) at 11.59pm.
I think that chopping places in hawer center or ant food center ,it is very inconsiderate . I think that they should reach the place earlier than chopping the seats,and that is not fair for others.If they one to chop the seat to go and buy food,they should take turns to buy...If there are only one person eating he or she can share tables and eat so that others could seat on the bigger tables (if in groups...),i think that is more considerate. Using tissue to book the seat,is...not a good idea. The tissue might fly off or even the table cleaners might throw them away.If that happens to me ,i will throw the tissue away and seat on the chair.Or even if some naughty boys or girls put the tissue at each table,if that really happens,than no one would be able to seat. Singaporeans are not 'kiasu'but 'kiasi'.I really think that they are really RUDE to do it!!
I certainly do not think that it is rude to use tissue packs to reserve seats.Come to think of it,i think it is a very smart idea.If someone is eating alone,they would have to order their food themselves,and if it is self-service,they would would have to leave their seats.and if they leave their seat,others would take take over their seats and if others take over their seat,they would have to holdtheir food tray and move around to find seats,and hence,instead of going through so much trouble,i think that using tissue packs to reserve seats would be a good yet convenient idea.Besides,if we continue to use tissue packs to reserve seats,Singapore would be the first country to do that!How special can it would be!
In conclusion,I don't think its really rude to do that, but other than the others have to wait longer , I don't really have a problem with it. But for the old people or pregnant women at hawker centers it would be definitely inconvenient. But having a person there will definitely be better as they know that how many seats do they need , and by that , they can help others to get seat more easily.
i think that chopping of places in the hawker centers or coffee shops is not a ugly behavior of Singaporeans as some students do that in schools also.once we have place the tissue packet on the table, some people may think that its a used tissue and just throw it away. to prevent people from doing that, i think we should take out a piece of paper write 'THIS SEAT IS TAKEN' so that others will not be confused of whether the seat is taken by others.although it may be a little ungracious, but it may be more convenient as it saves time and people can eat their food once they have bought it. once they have finished eating, they can leave quickly so that others can use the table. we should not sit there and chit chat when theres people standing/waiting in front of the table, as its not a very good idea to do so. hence, i think that chopping of places in hawker centers is a pretty good idea, and its not 'kiasu' to do that.
if they are eating in a group, they should ask a person to seat there and wait after the other person finish buying the food then he can go and buy his own food. when one person is eating alone,i think is easy to find a place to seat so it is extremely rude to booked place by using tissue and if the person is really extremely hungry he would not even care and put that tissue paper aside and continue to eat.and the person who booked the table will not eat happily and the person who put the tissue aside will be eating happily...so if you think that chopping places is not rude i think u maybe wrong(no offence)
I think it is rude to use tissue to resevre seats.I think they should take turn to order their food instead of reserving seats by using tissue.Ya!what if they are alone?I will suggest them to either share a table with others or buy foods which can"take away".It is also very irritating as you will not know which seats are available and it would be very rush for office workers who have only one hour to finish their lunch.what will tourists think about Singapore when they saw Singaporeans using tissue to reserve seats?I think this will show how rude Singaporeans are.
On the other side,I don't think it is rude.Like what Mr Wong in the article said it is a practical and creative way of reserve seats instead of standing around looking for seats with a tray of food turning cold.But why will people do that?It is partly because they have bad experience like after buying their food and was unable to look for a seat when others reserve their seats by using tissue and went back to office late.If it happens to me,I will use the same method the next time.Having this kind of thinking,more and more people will start using it.
I think it is not rude to use tissue to reserve seats as the person who reserve the seat saw the seat first. I think this idea is perfect and smart. If I were a customer, I will use this method to reserve the table. This way of reservind seats is much better than using handphones or bags. Maybe people can send a letter to the government to advise them to put a sign in the hawker centre saying "Tissue papers are allowed for reserving tables". I think it is not rude to use tissue to reserve seats!
I think it is not rude because during lunch time,there will be lots of people and there will be no tables for latecomers.It is a clever way as anyone can sit if it is self-service store and no one is 'taking care' of the sit.But if everyone does the same thing, from far,it will look like a filthy place with lots of tissue on the table.We should keep the hawker centre clean at all times because Singapore is also known as yhe clean and green city.
I think it is not rude because during lunch time,there will be lots of people and there will be no tables for latecomers.It is a clever way as anyone can sit if it is self-service store and no one is 'taking care' of the sit.But if everyone does the same thing, from far,it will look like a filthy place with lots of tissue on the table.We should keep the hawker centre clean at all times because Singapore is also known as yhe clean and green city.
I believed that "chopping" place with tissue papers is very unpolite and inconsiderate. Imagine you are waiting or finding a seat with your tray full of food but somebody has left a tissue paper on a seat to indicate that somebody has "chopped" the place and you have to go and look for another seat. It will be very difficult to find a seat if everybody leaves a tissue behind on the seat. The hawker centre and food centre are public place where people can share any seats availible so that people with tray of foods can enjoy their food with a seat. The tissue paper might fly off and then there will be argument over the seat by the people involved. Besides littering the place when the tissue paper is flown off from the table, this shows that Singaporeans are really rude with such kind of behaviour. It is strongly not recommended to have such behaviour when Singapore are working towards a service oriented society. I think that the goverment must have action against those people who leave or use tissue papers to reserve the seat so that the people will not do that again. The goverment can impose fines or rules to prevent such behaviour. But, some people have no choice to put the tissue paper as they have waited for a very long time to have the seat.In my opinion , puting tissue papers is quite a very creative thing but a very rude action that should not be encouraged to the society. I think that this action should stop and will not repeat anymore.
I think that it is not a very good idea placing tissue paper packets to chope seats in the hawker centre.I don't think you will like it if you saw someone placing tissue paper packets on the table to chope seats when you can't find any seats.I still believe in the way "first come first serve".Example,When you found a seat that is empty (when you are alone) and you went to buy your food but when you came back other people have taken your seat, you will just have to wait to find another seat.Because you are not the only one who is waiting or if you are alone and you see a seat that is not full you can ask the person whether he/she can share the table.Sometimes,ordering take-outs is also not a bad idea.Doing that can save time and you won't have to wait very long to find a seat to eat.The point is its not right to use tissue paper packets to reserve seats because it is a public place.
I think that reserving places in the hawker centre is very inconsiderate....The person should think that if he/she is very rush at that time but he/she could not find a table to eat his/her lunch as people put their tissues on the table at the hawker centre..Won't he/she feel like the other people who could not find a seat to eat their lunch in the hawker centre?
err...i seldom see tissues on the hawker centuers but never mind i have heard of people putting tissues on the table....i think it is very very wrong because i FEEL FUSTFRATED WHEN I CANNOT FIND A PLACE TO SEAT FOR AGESthen i wilol have to share places with the others (which i don want cos i want to talk to my family)i tried to wait beside the people to finish eating.Sometimes it works but sometimes people will 'stare' at us ,e a t v e r y s l o w l y,after they finished eating they will start talking to each others
if one day the'kopitiam'is very crouded,i will take the tissue and replace it with my tissue and seat there.If every body does that there is NO one that will use tissue tto 'chop'their seat !!!
instead of useing tissue,they should seat there and ask their partner to buy food for them
if one person,... GOOD LUCK!!!! Hope Sinaporeans will be 'kia su' and 'kia si'AT THE RIGHT TIME!!!
the 'Angel' is me...
err...i seldom see tissues on the hawker centuers but never mind i have heard of people putting tissues on the table....i think it is very very wrong because i FEEL FUSTFRATED WHEN I CANNOT FIND A PLACE TO SEAT FOR AGESthen i wilol have to share places with the others (which i don want cos i want to talk to my family)i tried to wait beside the people to finish eating.Sometimes it works but sometimes people will 'stare' at us ,e a t v e r y s l o w l y,after they finished eating they will start talking to each others
if one day the'kopitiam'is very crouded,i will take the tissue and replace it with my tissue and seat there.If every body does that there is NO one that will use tissue tto 'chop'their seat !!!
instead of useing tissue,they should seat there and ask their partner to buy food for them
if one person,... GOOD LUCK!!!! Hope Sinaporeans will be 'kia su' and 'kia si'AT THE RIGHT TIME!!!
I think that it is wrong to put a tissue packet on the table or seat. It seems rude to me because if everybody puts a tissue pack on the table and there are office workers who are in a hurry, they will have to walk around and around to find a place to seat.By then,they already have to go back to work..I think maybe they could takeaway their food or come in groups.If they are coming alone,maybe they could find a table near to the stall that they want to buy food from so that they could look after their table but it is still best to come in groups.
I think that it will not be a very ideal way to chop places using tissue papers in Singapore this civilize country.i think that it will be so inconsiderate to the others customers which are consuming their food there. They should use more civilize way to book spaces in the hawker centre. Example asking someone you know to help you book the sit for you and take turns to buy food.If this civilized culture of Singaporean booking sits still continue this will lead to many serious problem like foreigners and tourist will think that we are uncivilized and therefore damage our reputation.
I think that it is both right and wrong to use tissue packs to chop places for ourselves.It is right because when we found a table,we will put our tissue packs to chop the table and go to buy our food.When someone saw the table that has a tissue pack,he/she will not take the place as he/she knows that the table is taken and find another seat.It is wrong because other people will think that it is very rude and inconsiderate to use tissue packs to chop tables.The best is to go with our family/relatives/friends because we can take turns to buy our own food and there is no need to use tissue packs.
i think that chopping seats in hawker centre is a kind of selfish
act , inconsiderate and is not fair to others but i am not totally disagree that chopping seats is wrong as if you never chop seat it will be hard some time to find a seat after you have buy food. I think those who use tissue paper to book seats should buy their foods first then find a seat to seat if they are alone.But if some of them are in a group,they should find seats and one of them wait for the other to buy their food and return then the last one go to buy his/her food.
I think that to 'chop' place in hawker center is kind of unfair to others that had already bought their food and cannot find a place to eat. This will also give tourists a bad impression of not finding sits to sit down to eat their food when they are in such a situation. In my opinion, the people that 'chop' the place with their tissue packets should find a place after they had buy their food.
If you think negatively, others did this to them, how would they feel??I think they will feel the same as the ones who do not like it !!
I don't think it is fair to others
who wanted to use the seats, and it is incosiderate not to mention very rude too.Even it is in peak hours,people are buzzing around waiting to fill their hunger, they might consider sharing tables with other.I often shares tables with others.I didn't chopped a table before.Eventhough
reserving tables is a good idea but it is a inconsiderate way.
In my opinion , I think that chopping places in hawker centres are quite inconsiderate and not so appropriate .It is also not so 'nice' a behavior when others sees it . E.g : When foriegners come to Singapore , they won't understand why is there a tissue on the seat , thinking it might be a person forgetting to take it , they would just take the place and when the person comes back and find the seat taken , he/she would find it irritating . But , he/she will have to understand that not all know about this chopping places with tissue kind of thing .
I think , when you're going in groups , you could ask one of ur friends/family members to help you book a spot . If you're alone , I think sharing a table with someone else is still fine ? Because those who are in bigger number , will need the table.
In conclusion , it is not a good way to reserve seats using tissue . ( its is not wrong or right , just not good ).
I think it is not correct to chop sits with our tissue paper instead if you are with a friend , both of you should take turns to buy food . If people do ask whether the sits are available , atleast you can tell them that it is reserved .
I think chopping place in the hawker centers is quite an efficient way to reserve seats. After you have bought your food, you can immediately go to the place you so called 'reserved' . You need not be worried about being late for work and will not be looking for seats while holding the food. The food will turn cold because of the long find of seats. On the other hand, it is quite a bad idea to place tissue packets on the table to chope places. What would the foreign people think of us ? They would not understand what is the meaning of putting tissue papers on the tables. If i were finding seats and there were lots of empty spaces but all the spaces are being choped. If I was carrying lots of food and there is no place to sit ! Wouldn't that be ridiculous? Actually it doesn't affect me in my daily life. No ones chope places in my neighbour hood just like that.
Sorry, the post on top is mine.
For those who use tissue paper to reserve place,I think it is very
selfish act ,and we have to be more considerate for other people.
For working people their time is short.So they conveniently use tissuepaper to reserve seat because there is no heavy price to pay.
I think that using things to reserve seats in the coffee shops or hawker centre is neither wrong nor right.We have to depend on the situation that we are in.For example,like what other people say, if we are eating with more than one person, we should take turns to buy,but if we are alone, we should use our bag to "chop" seats rather than tissue packs as people may thought that it is rubbish and ignore it.Lastly,I suggest that those hawker centre or coffee shops should have extra tables and chairs so that using tissue packs to "chop" seats will not be necessarily.
I think that is wrong because if everybody do the same things,people will quarrel over a seat.I suggest the government should fine those people because it is not fair to others. Singapore is a fair country,so everybody should not be so selfish.
I think that chopping seats in hawker centers is really rude. you cannot just chop places like that, as it is very inconsiderate. given that singaporeans are very kiasu, they will rush for empty seats they see. so, be considerate and not chop seats. be a man. do the right thing
I don't think that it is rude to use tissue packets to reserve seats.If someone is alone,they will not have friends to chop seats for them while they are buying for their food.The tissue packets also tell others that the seat is taken.Therefore,I think that it is not rude to do it but rather creative.
I think that using tissue paper to 'chop' places is a very inconsiderate and selfish manner. I think that we should buy our food then look for a place to sit. If people would think that this is a very troublesome act to do, I'll suggest that they would like to ask for a takeaway. If Singaporeans continue to do this, foreigners may think that we are very rude and it will spoil Singapore's reputation...
I think using tissue paper to chope seat is a inconsiderate,rude and wrong thing to do.if we are eating with family or friends,we can take turn to order food and not use tissue paper to chope for places.If they are eating alone,they may take away the food insteed of choping places and not letting other people use the seat.In such ways,people can be more considerate.
I don't think that it is rude or anything. What makes us a singaporean? Answer: being kiasu! Anyway, choping places is one of the things that makes us Singaporeans! Has anyone heard of the phrase ' First Come First Serve'? If you were alone at a coffeeshop and you have to order food and collect it you would have to leave your seat. It is clearly understood amongst Singaporeans that if there is a packet of tissue on the seat, the seat is reserved. Anyways... i think that the Pastamania and the Kopitiam were very smart to give packets of tissues to cutomers with the words 'choped' ( kopitiam ) and 'reserved' ( Pastamania)
Actually, it depends on everyone's point of view. If I were in a crowded place and saw an empty seat with a tissue i would ( naturally ) be angry at the feller. However if i were the one who went to buy food and choped the place with tissues i would ( of course ) think that there's nothing wrong with it. i depends on which side you are on. I have a feeling that in the future people will not use tissues to chope seats because of the economy crises. Maybe something cheaper.......... a leaf? Just kidding.
I think it very rude to do that,if you chop sits,people will not have sits to sit.Especially when there is not much sits at somes places,like coffee shops.
I think that using tissue papers to chope seats in hawker centre is very inconsiderate.I think that we could take turns to order food while the other waits for him or her to return to the seats with the food,then the other went to buy his food.If there are empty seats,we could always share seats with those that are waiting for empty seats to take.We should not chit chat with our family members when we have finish our food as there are people who wants to take our seats.We should not put tissues on the seats as people could not find seats and they would be waiting for a long time just for sitting down to enjoy their food,so they would be annoyed for the inconvenience of getting seats.I think that the government should fine them heavily on those who chope seats with tissue papers again and again.If they do not obey the government,we could made them do all the chores jobs to made them to introspection over their mistake.People must be considerate about those who are waiting for the empty seats so that there will be no waiting for the seats and there will be no choping of seats anynore in the future.
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